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I speak the truth not so much as I would, but as much as I dare, and I dare a little more as I grow older. - Michel de Montaigne, essayist (1533-1592)

European Natural Medicine

Our ancient bodies and souls have a hard time coping with modern times. So, we get sick.


Being sick then seems fate, bad luck. But is it? Scientists think that the greater part of our health stems from good habits: Mostly, we reap what we sow.


This blog and my books offer you simple, natural remedies - and a ton of common sense. In my advice, the traditions of European Natural Medicine are combined with evidence-based medical science.


When I was in medical school, somebody mentioned natural medicine, and I just scoffed. I looked down on anything not strictly scientific. Then I sat across my first real patient with osteoarthritis and realized I had nothing to offer to him than non-steroidals which might eat up his stomach lining. I began looking for alternatives, finding out in the process that not everything in conventional medicine is based on science either.


Now with my patients I combine the best of two worlds, conventional and natural medicine, trying to bring some common sense back, beyond ideologies. I believe in simple things that work. Don't give up on your regular doctor though - advice on the Internet can't make up for somebody who sees you, knows you, examines you! But look here for everyday reasonable, practical advice!


European Natural Medicine works with Five Health Essentials:

• Water - our wellspring, inside and out

• Movement – shapes our bodies and our minds

• Food - the building blocks of our body

• Herbs - the essence of Nature

• Order for our lives – balance in the world.


You can be healthy, too! Go for it! Go to the blog for daily health topics!


I might repeat myself. Sorry. That's what doctors do.


Disclosure: This blog does NOT accept forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.


I am available for lectures and workshops about aging, water, diabetes, European Natural Medicine - or whatever you want to hear. And since I am writing this blog about medical issues - please, tell me what you are interested in. And check out my books, too ...

Creek, by Xin Liu
Water, by Bernhard Plank
Rivulet, by Xin Liu