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Blog: On Health. On Writing. On Life. On Everything.

Fast Will Not Last – A Step-By-Step Weight Loss Program

Fast Will Not Last – A Ste After politics, I better return to my own turf. My forte is one-to-one talking with on people, not saving the world. Ali - on Roanne Weisman’s blog Own your Health - has asked me this question: How can I lose weight fast? Truth is: Fast will not last. Most common request seems to be: “Now it is May – can you help me lose fifty pounds till September, because I will marry in September.” My answer is always: “No!” Weight loss should be really slow so that the body does not go into survival mode and defies weight loss. As disappointing as this may be, it is the only way to success. Yo-yo dieting has been shown to be especially detrimental to the heart, so don’t even start that process! Here are my rules: • Do not lose more than two pounds per month! • Weigh yourself every morning. • If you inadvertently lose more than two pounds per month, don’t gloat about, and don’t be disappointed if you regain some of that weight. • Once you have lost those two pounds, put your focus on keeping off those two pounds. The real challenge is to not regain any pounds during the month. • Weight loss does not happen by diet alone, and not by sweating hours in the gym. Weight loss comes from a healthy lifestyle. • One of the most important parts of that healthy lifestyle is getting enough sleep. Sleep deprivation leads to high stress hormone levels in the body, which leads to cravings and overeating. • The next day is won the evening before: Prepare breakfast and lunch, and plan dinner for the next day, then go to bed early. Don’t hang around in front of TV or computer beyond your “tired point” – because then you get a second wind and can’t fall asleep. Best bedtime is between 8.30 and 10.00 pm. If you think you can’t do that every night, give it a try one evening per week – and observe the difference in how you feel. • Below is the step-by step program. Take a new step either every week or every month, or when you feel you need to do more for your health, or when the weight loss progress stalls. • The most important question: Is your weight loss goal realistic? If you are of Dutch ancestry, you might never get to be a dainty as many Asians are (only a rule of thumb – there are small Dutch people, and large Asians!). For that look up your BMI - for instance here: http://www.aarp.org/health/fitness/info-05-2010/bmi_calculator.html?CMP=KNC-360I-GOOGLE-HEA-FIT&HBX_PK=bmi&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=bmi&utm_campaign=G_Health&360cid=SI_148921798_7430108821_1. • Your BMI will give you a weight range. If you are small-boned, you should be at the lower part of that range, if you are big-boned, at the higher end. How do you know about your bones? Compare your wrist bones with those of other people to get an idea where you stand. • If you still have a protruding belly, you are not at your ideal weight. • In every meal have some protein and some good fat. Legumes provide protein. • Most important is your intake of vegetables, which should be mostly cooked, especially in the winter. • Cut down on meat to once a week, and do not eat deli and sausages at all. Have some fish – preferably small fish. And here are the weight loss steps: Step # 1: Buy a green leafy vegetable (chard, spinach, kale, dinosaur kale, kohlrabi greens, etc), cook it with olive oil and garlic - and eat it. Step #2: Leave out all soft beverages - including "diet" beverages. Step #3: Drink herbal teas when you are thirsty. Or plain (or filtered) tap water. Don’t drink bottled water. Step #4: Leave out all dairy (cheese, milk, yoghurt, etc). Milk is a highly inflammatory substance, totally alien for people beyond infancy, that leads to all kinds of diseases besides obesity: diabetes, arthritis, depression, cancer, allergies and asthma, heart disease, and so on. Step #5: Buy a root vegetable (red beets, celeriac, turnip, etc), cook in salt water until just soft enough to pierce with a skewer. Serve with olive oil, pepper and salt as a warm salad. Rutabaga, because it is usually waxed, needs to be peeled before cooking. Cut in cubes, boil with a bit of water and pepper and salt. Step #6: Go for a daily walk. Best is during lunch hour, for the anti-cancer effect of light. Ten minutes in the beginning is fine. Go with a friend – so that you may stay with this habit. Step #7: Leave out all sugars. And don’t use any sweeteners. They fool the body into thinking you get sweets – and then your body wants more food. Besides, most sweeteners except stevia carry their own health concerns. Step #8: Find a new vegetable every week in your supermarket – try out what you don’t know (most vegetables are delicious with garlic and olive oil). Some fat is required with all vegetables because otherwise you cannot absorb the vitamin A in them. Step #9: Leave out all grains and starches until you have your ideal weight. Then you might re-introduce some whole grains – but only if you are not regaining. Step #10: Observe how much you are actually sitting during the day. Sitting is detrimental to your health – and of course, we are a sitting culture. Think about ways to move more: Putter in the garden, clean out the attic, walk a dog, play with the kids, ride a bicycle. The German philosopher Immanuel Kant recognized this principle and kept his handkerchief at the other end of the room, so that he had to get up from his desk to blow his nose. Try to come up with your own – and better - movements! Step #11: Stop all margarine, spreads and butter. If you still eat bread, dunk it in olive oil. Step #12: Volunteer somewhere – in a shelter, a soup kitchen, a church, a political campaign, a gardening project, a reading help for youngsters –to get out of the house and do good! P.S. This is a long entry. But it boilds down to two points: 1. Vegetables, vegetables, vegetables - eat more, and more varied! 2. Put more movement into your day - little movements here and there. P.P.S. Recheck this blog - I might add new points as they come up! Read More 
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Treat Simple Urinary Tract Infection Without Antibiotics!

Most UTIs can be dealt with simply, with herbs, probiotics, and so on. Antibiotics should be reserved for the really dangerous infections. Not only should we curb antibiotic use because of possible resistances; it also has been shown that bacteria bury into the bladder wall during a course with antibiotics – only to pop up again a bit later! But for starters, this warning: IMMEDIATELY see your physician or the Emergency Room, if you have any of these signs/symptoms: • Blood in the urine • Pus from your vagina /penis • Fever (ANY fever means that the infection has gone beyond the confines of the bladder) • Flank/kidney pains: If you have pain that far away from your bladder, it means that the UTI ascended to your kidneys. Or that you have kidney stones. • ALL UTIs in children should be seen by a doctor. • If you never had a UTI before. The usual cause of UTIs, especially in women, is sexual intercourse. Women have a very short urethra, so bacteria can walk up easily and invade the bladder. UTIs are most common in young women (frequent sex) and in women after menopause (lacking estrogen leads to shrinking tissues which means less protection against invading bacteria). This is what you can do to prevent UTIs: • Make sure that man and woman are clean at their private parts. Insist especially that your man washes behind his foreskin daily, and you yourself wash between the folds. Don’t use soap – daily water washings suffice! • Use a lubricant to make sex smoother. • Right after sex, the woman should get up and urinate to flush out potential bacteria. • Avoid all sugars and white starches. • If you tend to get UTIs often, take cranberry capsules for at least a day after sex. Cranberries prevent bacteria to lodge onto the bladder mucosa. • Drink enough hot fluid. • Take a daily probiotic – this helps get rid of bad bacteria in the bowel (which are most often the culprit in urinary infections). • A new and promising treatment is another probiotic, Lactobacillus crispatus that normalizes the vagina flora (taken intra-vaginally), thus preventing “bad” bacteria to invade the bladder. • Doing Kegel exercises or standing on one leg (see a former blog) to strengthen pelvic muscle. If your muscles down there are weak, you might not be able to empty your bladder fully each time – and that is a set-up for recurrent UTIs. • Regularly take women’s herbs after menopause to strengthen vaginal mucosa. Prevention of course is better than treatment. But when you get the familiar sensation of burning during voiding that heralds a UTTI, you should act IMMEDIATELY, because any infection is easier to treat, the earlier you catch it. Other symptoms of a UTI are: a cloudy urine, an offensive odor, discomfort in your bladder area and the urge to go frequently. Apart from the measures above that you should continue, use these tried-and-true herbs in a tea, three times a day: • Uva ursi (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) • Usnea spp. – a group of lichens growing on trees Other herbs helpful in UTI: • Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) – or any other source of berberine would do as goldenseal is an endangered species. • Marshmallow root (Althea officinalis) – soothing, but not necessarily healing • Buchu (Agathosma betulina – formerly Barosma betulina), a plant from South Africa. • Corn silk (Zea mays) – and old stand-by • Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) – should not be taken too long as it is harsh on the kidneys. • Indian Coleus plant (Coleus forskohlii) reportedly has effectivity against UTIs too, but the data are still scant. This would be a plant to investigate if you have allergies to all the aforementioned herbs. • Also worth trying is D-Mannose – not strictly an herb, but a sugar - which only works against E. coli that happens to be the most commonly found bacterium in UTIs. • Similar proanthocyanidins that work in cranberries are also found in blueberries and strongly colored fruit and vegetables, tea (black and green), black currant, bilberry, grape seed, grape skin and red wine,  Read More 
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Winter Health – Thoughts From the Workshop

Introduction: [These are my notes – they are a refresher for the workshop attendants. But might also be useful to look something up when one needs it] What happens through the winter: A depletion of reserves leads to increased susceptibility to infections. Decreased movement. Holiday foods – not healthy. It takes two to get sick: A virus and a run-down immune system. “Huge outbreak” of Swine flu in Great Britain: 24 deaths as of 1/29/11 – compared to the more than 35,000 deaths annually from “normal” flu in the US (which is nothing). Cold and flu: • Prepare: Get your immune system into perfect shape • Protect: Shield yourself during an actual outbreak People are less prone to respiratory infections if they have more contact with people, and hug more. Exception: Little kids – they schlep everything home. But in the long run, it might be beneficial. But in a flu outbreak: Stay away from people as much as you can. Wash hands often. Don’t be sneezed at. Avoid public transportation. Don’t hug and kiss. Avoid touching public doorknobs, telephones and similar surfaces with unprotected hands. • Pull through: Survive even if you come down with it. • Water • Cold stimulus – compare to anti-oxidant stimulus – good stress and bad stress • Warm rooms: More obesity, more colds • Cold Shower/cold wash/cold dunk for babies older than four months • Cold sitzbath • Sauna • Sleeping with windows open • Drink enough warm or hot fluids – hot herbal teas are perfect. Juices are not. • Don’t do cold applications with an acute cold/flu, uncontrolled hypertension, arterial disease (Raynaud’s) • Movement The only thing for increasing qi and against cold is movement. But excess is as detrimental as laziness. • Yoga, of course • Daily outside walk – importance to get sun light and vitamin D • Hiking, bicycling, games on weekends • Snow shoveling: Break down the task Take small loads No abrupt movements Cherish twisting movements – but they also can be the source of strained muscles. • Yoga ball (back) • Small heavy ball (arms) • Getting to the ground once a day (strength) • Knee bends (strength) • Hanging out (back) • Standing on one leg (pelvic health) • Food • Fresh foods – home cooking: Vegetables, legumes, small portions of fish and meat (lamb!), fresh (or dried) herbs. No microwaving. • Vegetarian/vegan against omnivore • No dairy, sugars, white starches, sweeteners, artificial molecules: colorings, flavorings, enhancers, preservatives, etc • Predominantly cooked – more so in the winter • Fats: More is better – but they have to be vegetal: Olive oil, coconut oil, ??butter • Organic: Good but fresh is more important • If you have a cold/flu: You should always force hot liquids on a sick person but never food: Respect if there is no appetite, and respect if there is. Just nothing sugary. Fruit – fresh or as compotes – is probably the best. Or hot elderberry/blueberry soup (also good for acute stomach flu and urinary tract infections). Blueberries are much cheaper. • Herbs Herbs have been with us throughout evolution. Their mechanism fit into our ancient physiology like a key into a lock. We always ate herbs from the wild, and now that we have for the most part stopped, a little bitter green, cabbages or strong root might just be what your body needs to find back to balance. Bacteria and viruses do not easily develop resistance against herbs. That is because a single herb contains hundreds or more of compounds, and many of these compounds work on killing off the germs - not only one. Since point mutations in bacteria can only develop one by one, it is less likely that an herb becomes ineffective against a pathogen because there will be other compounds to destroy the microbes first. Synergy is the reason why I recommend whole herbs (tinctures or so-called phyto-caps with extracts of the whole plant) instead of “taking the best” from several pants, and making a patented medicine. Patent medicines exist because natural plants can’t be patented, and so firms try to make money by taking single compounds from a plant, combining it with other single compound, thus producing a “new” medicine that allegedly is better. The truth is, mostly it is not better because you cannot improve on nature • Prepare: During cold and flu season, take tonic herbs like stinging nettle, astragalus, ashwaganda, or eleuthero (formerly named Siberian ginseng) to strengthen your immune system. Rotate them every three weeks. • Spice up your food with herbs and spices because they kill microbes (the plants developed the strong-tasting compounds to protect themselves against the invasion of bacteria, viruses and fungi). Pregnant and breast-feeding women as well as little children should go easy on herbs and spices. • When you go out, use an Echinacea spray every hour or two to protect your throat, the entry port of viruses. Again, GAIA makes a good one • Mushrooms boost your the immune system – eat them often, or take a mushroom preparation; Whole Body Defense by Gaia is one. • Protect: (if you had exposure, or suspect you had): If there is a bad flu epidemic: Chew a raw garlic clove, several times a day • Take a lick of unheated honey (Manuka is the best) every hour or so – kills germs (not for children under three years – danger of botulism!) • Rinse your nose prophylacticly with saltwater to kill germs (carefully rinse mouth afterward with clear water if you have blood pressure issues) • Prophylactic and curing: Hot elderberry tea, hot blueberry soup • Importance to wash hands and cover sneezes and coughs, preferably with a sleeve cough – not your hands • Take as supplements: A probiotic (I like PrimalDefense), fish oil and cod liver oil • Pull through: In cold and flu: Immediately when you come down with the flu: REST! • Fever over 104 F in children, and a cold lingering more than a week should be seen by a physician. Also if you have unusual symptoms like stiff neck, enormous headaches, breathing difficulties, and so on. • Against cold: Easiest, most expensive: GAIA Quick Defense. It contains Anagraphis paniculata – best cold medication I know (hard to find as a single extract) • Against cold and flu: Echinacea, olive leaf, osha, pau d’arco, licorice – all as extracts in a bottle. Mix together in hot water like a tea. • Other herbs that have been found beneficial in colds and flu: bayberry, boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum), calendula, goldenseal, Oregon grape, juniper berry (chew a dried berry every few hours, not more than five a day, and not for longer than a week), umckaloaba (Pelargonium sidoides) • A ready-made anti-viral concoction is the Chinese Yin Qiao Jie Du Pian, also called Honeysuckle-Forsythia Detoxifier. It might be a good idea to have some of those pills at hand when you get sick (get them from a reputable source). • Lingering (more than a week) colds and bacterial infections: GSE extract (but consult your physician to make sure it is not pneumonia) • Sore throat: Swish a few drops of oregano extract (nips whatever is coming in the bud, if you take it early enough) in your mouth and swallow, or zinc lozenges (science is a bit wobbly on zinc) • Sore throat: Gargle with saltwater or warm water with one drop of sage, myrrh, oreganol, neem or tea tree oil. Not for children under six. • Stuffed nose/Sinusitis: Rinsing nose with saltwater – frequently, if necessary • Stuffed nose/Sinusitis: Eat mustard, horseradish. • Stuffed nose/Sinusitis: Steam inhalation helps with a running or stuffed nose. You can add chamomile, thyme, eucalyptus or a pea-sized piece of Vick’s. You can also use Vick’s on older children (check the label). • Cough: Gan Mao Dan Chinese pills (20 per day in divided doses), or make a tea of peppermint, honeysuckle, ginger, cloves and/or horehound, slippery elm, violets, fennel, anis, marshmallow root (the real one!), Iceland moss (Cetraria islandica), ribwort plantain • Fever is mostly good – it kills the germs. Therefore, no aspirin or Tylenol. In children, do cold wraps or dunk babies in tepid water • If you get the flu, start Ginkgo biloba will start repair damaged cells • Also: No decongestants as they tend to dry out mucosa and increase stuffiness in the long run • Increase hot fluids: hot water, hot broth (chicken soup has been researched – and it really works!), hot herbal teas (linden flowers, elderberry flowers, honeysuckle, fennel or thyme, sage, green or black tea, thyme, ginger, rose hips, mullein, lemon balm, peppermint - in all combinations) are good – but so are many other. Hot lemonade is also beneficial if made with fresh lemons and preferably with unheated honey • If you use vitamin C, use a low-dose kind – and only in the first few days of a cold • Don’t use all the herbs at once – get familiar with a few, one after the other. • There is no such thing as” That herb does not work in me!” There is only “That herb does not work against this or that germ” • Order • Cherish the season – don’t fight it • Preventing: GET ENOUGH SLEEP! In a flu outbreak, be in bed by nine pm every night – no TV, no computer. The body repairs itself during about two hours the time around midnight — if you are asleep then, that is. • During a bad flu season, consider wearing a mask over nose and mouth The causes of death in influenza are of two different origins: Older people die of the virus and its consequences like pneumonia; their weakened immune system cannot fight the virus anymore. Young people succumb to an overreaction of their still exuberant immune system – they produce what we call a cytokine storm, and usually die within the first two days. Consequently, both groups should be treated differently. In young people (older teenagers and young adults) I therefore would add an herbal anti-inflammatory, namely Zyflamend as soon as the young person gets sick. Read More 
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