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Blog: On Health. On Writing. On Life. On Everything.

Smile Away?

Because a recent study has shown that people who smile fully (meaning: not faking it!), live longer. Another study showed that people who find a meaning and purpose in their life, succumb less to Alzheimer’s. I hope these are good studies, adjusted to social class, income, education and such because obviously it is easier to smile if life has been good to you. But it does not take much to smile: If you have some measure of health in your life, and have friends and/or family, you are already blessed. Take a moment each day for gratitude. Say a prayer over each piece of meat or fish that you prepare in the kitchen: An animal died so we can eat. If you have a happiness issue, write a journal every night and jot down for what you can be full of thanks. Every morning, say hello to yourself in the mirror before you leave the house – with a smile on your face. Read More 
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