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Blog: On Health. On Writing. On Life. On Everything.

The French Paradox

We arrived in Paris on Sebastian Kneipp’s birthday – on the 17th of May and celebrated with a glass of wine. And a lunch consisting of three courses: Onion soup (minus the cheese and the bread), escargots (snails) in garlic, crème brulée. Not terribly healthy – but delicious. Writing from Paris, of course, I want to talk about the French Paradox. French people eat more fat (think triple brie and foie gras!), drink more wine (think a smooth Bordeaux!) and smoke more than their US counterparts (think Gauloises!), yet they die less of cardiovascular disease. American scientists dubbed this puzzle the French Paradox – and they have come up with some tentative explanations: • The French surely are underreporting their cardiac deaths • The French have their main meal at midday and take more time for it • The French prefer wine over beer; wine contains healthy resveratrol • The French don’t snack • The French eat less trans-fats (frying) • The French eat less hydrogenated fats (margarine, processed food) • Perhaps saturated fats are not as bad as we thought • The French eat less sugar, less HFCS, less white starches • The French cigarette tobacco is not as adulterated American tobacco • The whole study might be wrong American scientists looked for the fat contents, the carbohydrates, the proteins to come up with an answer, missing the big, simple picture: fresh foods. Fresh food contains life-giving molecules beside the three biggies (fats, carbs, proteins). Those molecules are miniscule in weight, but hugely important in how they support health. We are from Nature, and throughout Evolution, we ate whole foods. Only modern “food” production has done away with Nature’s wisdom. The three biggies were important when people were starving – if you don’t get fat and the other two, all the best polyphenols and anti-oxidants and other small plant molecules will not keep you alive. But now that we have plenty of food (which is a first in history – but don’t forget it is not yet true for every single person in the world), we need to turn to quality of food. Which needs we need to return to real food – the food Nature intends us to eat. And not to make it too difficult: It is mostly vegetables we need to bring back on our tables. The French are eating real food; Americans are eating plastics masquerading as food. Don’t get me wrong – junk food is inching its way also into the French society. But overall, the French still go to the open market to buy fresh produce and freshly slaughtered chickens and fish. Except for the last item on the list, all the factors may play a role. But the main thing is the freshness of the food. The quality lies in fresh things, grown things – not concocted in the lab and manufactured in bulk. And by the way, their cigarettes might be a tad healthier – but please don’t start your French new life with Gauloises! Read More 
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Breast Health – and Breast Beauty

Remember the movie “Persepolis?” My favorite scene was when the granddaughter asks her Iranian grandmother why she still has so beautiful breasts, at her age. The grandmother divulges her two secrets: 1. Wash your breasts with cold water every day. That can be part of a cold shower at the end of your warm one. Or you stand in front of the sink and wash your breasts with a cloth and cold water – about a dozen times. 2. Put jasmine flowers in your bra and carry the scent around you all day – it makes you feel beautiful. I love that advice! From my experience, I have a few more bits to add for better breast health and more beauty: 3. Eat a diet high in fresh vegetables, with low meats, no dairy and little sugar. 4. Avoid all milk and dairy – they are causing breast pain and breast cancer. They contain growth hormones. Growth hormones are unnecessary and harmful beyond the infant stage. 5. Do not wear a bra at night. Your skin needs to breathe and your lymph needs to circulate. – Don’t wear a bra if you don’t need one. 6. For the same reason, do exercise: Let your arms swing. Brest cancer seems to occur more often in the left breast. Since 85 percent of people are right-handed, it stands to reason that we are not moving enough lymph around in the left breast and get less toxicity removed than on the right side (that is just a theory of mine – don’t listen if it doesn’t convince you). 7. Don't smoke or drink. 8. Find out if you are gluten-intolerant. Nearly all cancers are higher in celiacs than in non-celiacs. 9. Drink enough water – room temperature or warmer. Never ice-cold. Read More 
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Teenage Hell On Earth: Acne

In Natural Medicine, the skin is one of the four elimination organs. The other three are the lungs, the kidney/bladder and the bowel. If one of these is diseased or overloaded with toxins, the excess has to be dealt with by the skin. And it often comes out as acne, especially in young people when hormones totter from childhood to adulthood. Imbalances in hormones during puberty might trigger acne but are usually not the whole problem. And acne is not solely a teenage problem. In acne – as in many skin diseases – the gut is ailing. The main culprit in the SAD diet (Standard American Diet) is dairy – cheese, milk, and so on. Besides giving your inflamed bowel a respite from inflammatory food, here is what else you can do against acne: • Take a probiotic to re-establish gut flora. Add fish oil against inflammation. • Do not touch face or other areas with your fingers because bacteria – fed by unhealthy fare – bring a pimple to bloom. • Use a face cloth only once. Everyone should at least have two dozen face cloths. Buy them in bulk, cheap. • Do not squeeze pimples as this can leave scars. You can squeeze blackheads (comedones) after a bath or shower when they are soft. Always disinfect with rubbing alcohol, hamamelis water (witch hazel) or tea tree oil. • Take a cold shower always after a hot one or a bath. • Wash your face frequently with cold water during the day. • Do not use soap, detergents, make-up, creams in your face. Cold water is all it needs. With very oily skin, a once or twice per week facial scrub (ground almonds, apricot kernels, rolled oats – the simpler, the better) is recommended. Avoid soapy additions. Keep hair grease away from your face. • Sauna supports the skin in its elimination functions. • Daily short exposure to sun is essential for healing. • Incorporate breathing exercises in your routine. For a starter take three deep breaths (always start with exhalation) every hour on the hour (or as often as you think about it; don’t hold your breath; let it flow). • The salty water of the ocean has healing properties that can be used during vacation times. At home, salt baths (with or without herbal additions) or mud compresses can simulate the real thing. • Get involved in sports. All movement will help to eliminate your bowels faster – and the bowel is at the root of most cases of acne. • Drink plenty of water – at least seven cups per day, more with exercise, from a beautiful cup. No purpose, though, running around all day with a bottle of water in your hand. One does not dehydrate that fast! • Facial steam baths with chamomile are soothing. • A Hildegard of Bingen recipe: Store grated horseradish in apple vinegar; clean skin with the solution (I have not tried it yet - let me know if you have!). • Herbs for internal cleansing: dandelion root and stinging nettle (as a mix or single ingredients), together or singly. As capsules or tea. • Beyond dairy: Eat fruit and vegetables as much as possible. Rule out gluten intolerance). Reduce animal fats and meats. No dairy and milk chocolate. Avoid all sugars and white starches. • Quit smoking. • Get enough sleep. • Move! Walk and do yoga. The more you move, the better your body gets rid of ugly toxins. • Against scarring acne get the help of a dermatologist – but avoid long-term antibiotics for minor acne because they only will confound the underlying problems in your bowels. Read More 
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