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Blog: On Health. On Writing. On Life. On Everything.

World Water Day 2012

Today is World Water Day. Celebrate it with • a dunk in the ocean, a lake or a river if your are living in a warmer climate • a cold shower (Don’t do it if you have uncontrolled high blood pressure – controlled on medication is fine – or if you have an arterial disease) • a nice warm herbal bath, together with gentle music and a lit candle (unscented because scented candles and incense are harsh on the lungs). Warm baths relax and soothe. And any fragrant herb you have at hand will increase water’s action: - Chamomile works against sore skin and insect bites - Dandelion flowers: Gather as many as you can find and throw them directly into your tub – they will make you playful like a princess and renew your skin and will drive out the winter blah - Eucalyptus opens your lungs and helps you breathe - Ginger, grated, to enhance blood flow to all parts of your body - Hops for easing you into the night - Jasmine to make you smile and refresh your skin - Lavender for calming your nerves and rejuvenating your skin - Linden flowers relax and might help with a beginning cold - Meadowsweet helps sore muscles and will bliss you out - Mint stimulates and heals your skin - Orange blossoms for beautiful skin and nourishing your soul - Parsley heals bruises - Rosemary for relaxation - Rose petals to enliven your skin after a long day - Sage against stiff, hurting muscles after a workout - Stinging nettle to push sluggish circulation, and are a tonic for your skin and your whole being - Valerian root for easing tattered nerves and prepare for a good night’s sleep So many more herbs grow on our beautiful Earth! Use any combination of herbs you like: Dare to explore! Never make the bathwater too hot! And always, always. always end your hot bath with a short cold shower or gush, starting with feet, hands, face, and then your whole body – to close your pores. Before you dress or go to bed, slather your skin with coconut oil. There’s nothing better for your skin! Cooler bathwater acts more like a stimulant – when you want to go out afterwards and shine in the world. And a tepid bath can lower fevers – especially helpful in small children. But in small children, especially those under three years of age, I would not use herbs in the bathwater, just plain water. They can have violent reactions. You have two ways to do an herbal bath: To throw a handful of herbs directly into the hot bath water. Or to brew a tea in a pot, and then add the steeped tea to the bathwater. This last method is less messy. There’s actually a third way: To buy an herbal bath tea bag – much bigger than those used for tea in a cup – and throw it into the bathwater; contain a medley of herbs, usually to lift your spirits and to soothe your skin. As always: Don’t use any herb that you are allergic to. Allergies to herbs are rare, but they can happen. Herbal bath can heal. But don’t forget the immense pleasure they bring into your life! And other than commercial baths (foam, lotions, soaps, salts, etc.), they are pure Nature, particularly if you pay attention from where you get them. And after a renewing bath like this you will know again why we have to protect Earth’s healing waters. Think about ways how you can save water! Read More 
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Weeds - Green Is Life-Giving

With the “invention” of chlorophyll, life on Earth began to explode. Chlorophyll makes it possible to harvest the sunlight and turn it into food for animals and humans. All greens keep you healthy – in so many ways; They fight and prevent cancer, they help the heart, the eyes, the immune system, and work against diabetes type II and arthritis – to name a few. All taste delicious simmered in little water with olive oil and garlic (fresh or dried), pepper and salt. Here are green leafy things you might find in your supermarket: • Chard • Spinach • Cabbage • Mustard greens • Dandelion • Collard greens • Kale • Escarole • Arugula • Beet greens • Bok choy • Rapunzel (mâche) • Dinosaur greens • Endive • Water cress • Kohlrabi greens • Lettuce • Mizuna • Amaranth • Radicchio If you have a garden, or some pots on the balcony, or a stretch of land where dogs don’t poop (hard to find!), you have access to many more greens than just in your supermarket aisle – and for free!! • Stinging nettle • Dandelion • Purslane • Chickweed • Plantain • Burdock • Lamb's quarters • Shepherd's purse • Yarrow For harvesting from the wild, follow a few rules: If you take from your neighbor’s garden, ask for permission. Not only is dog poop a problem but pesticides and generally dirty roads. Don’t over-harvest – you wants some plants to set seeds, so that you can forage next year again. If you are taking coumadin, be aware that all greens can counteract it – take roughly an equal amount every day. There is nothing wrong with edible weeds – they are delicious – it just takes an adventurous spirit. And KNOWLEDGE of the plant! Take a local herb walk with a guide. Don’t harvest and eat if you are not 100% sure – 99% is not good enough. Read More 
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Bringing Home The Truth?

You who have followed this blog notice that I do change my mind. For instance, I was a great supporter of the Five Tibetans – and to a degree, I still am. But then my lower back spoke up against the practice, and now I do modified exercises. I let you know. Was my first opinion untrue? Not really. Different people have different needs, and plenty of people come back to me and tell me that I once recommended the Five Tibetans to them – and they are still doing them daily, and happily. Spending time on the Internet and blogging about health sometimes feels to me as if I hit a wall: We health nuts are discussing minor improvements in our diets, when the majority of people are eating junk food, don’t know how to even cook rice (forget BROWN rice!), and spending every free minute in front of TV that carries them into fake worlds while stealing innumerable hours of their lives and their powers away. That might apply to my blogs, too: Somebody reading this, is not walking right now, not playing an instrument, not gardening, not repairing a bike, not cooking stinging nettle greens, not making love, not painting the lilac in bloom now, not taking a cold shower. And my blog (or all the other health blogs) doesn’t reach that majority. I have started worrying about this. The other worry is that we bloggers seem to disperse truths – but we don’t seem to change minds. Or do we? I have been in too many online discussion where opinions about, say, homeopathy, clash, and the divides are never bridged. We can say that most health improvements came at the beginning of the twentieth century with advancement of hygiene (better water supply, better sewage systems). Much less with antibiotics and vaccinations - as much as doctors want to exploit those tales. Then came our downfall in the fifties - the widespread automobile use let people walk less. And also in the fifties, housewives succumbed to advertisement that "helped" them spend less time in the kitchen: canned food, microwaves, ready-made dinners, take-out food, supplements, and what not. And in the seventies, HFCS, sealing our fates (or coffins). So, this is my question of today? How do we make up our minds about what is healthy? Do we believe every published research study - some good, some shotty - or the myriad of business interests that pipe up on all occasions? For me, after all the years of studying, health has become simple: Follow what Nature intended, and you will be all right. For all the little details: Hard to get at the truth. Besides, the truth might be manifold. And, as before, health changes on a grander scale might come from societal forces rather than from our little opinions here: From environmental clean-up, water preservation, governmental responsibility, better education, greater justice, less poverty.  Read More 
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