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Blog: On Health. On Writing. On Life. On Everything.

The Old Boring Calcium Question

Chances are you are taking a calcium supplement because are health-conscious? But do you really need it – or are you even harming yourself with your calcium pill? It is true that bones need calcium for growth. What is not true is that calcium alone gives us stronger bones. Bones need far more than just calcium: Other minerals like potassium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, chromium, sulfur, selenium, boron – and others – are necessary for bone health. Without these other minerals, calcium alone is pretty useless. Besides, calcium pills – those fat bummers that are hard to swallow because of their size – are also hard to digest. As a physician, I have seen my share of undigested calcium pills popping up on x-rays, somewhere lying in the bowels, useless. That milk is an unsuitable source of calcium, you have heard here before. Besides being an unhealthy food, the calcium from milk is also not as readily available as the calcium from vegetables, fruit, legumes, whole grains and nuts. The plant world is so abundant in calcium that adding vitamin D to milk as a selling argument comes close to a joke: Dairy is a cause for obesity, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and so on. For good bones you need a host of minerals – all conveniently available in plant foods – plus sun and exercise. Not so much sun, actually, as light. Even on an overcast day, a midday outdoors walk will trigger the necessary amount of vitamin D production beneath your skin. Inner-city people with dark skin are mostly at risk of osteoporosis because they need more sun exposure. And if you don’t move, you will lose your bone strength fast. A little known fact: We are losing some bone every night, from being inactive during sleep. An active person will rebuild that loss (and more) the next day. An inactive person won’t. A study in the British Medical Journal recently found that calcium supplement could increase the risk of a heart attack by thirty percent. Clearly, we have to rethink health: Health does not come from pills. It comes from a lifestyle that uses our body for which it is intended: joyful activity, fresh foods, sufficient sleep. And hugging and kissing, if you ask me. Read More 
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Breast Health – and Breast Beauty

Remember the movie “Persepolis?” My favorite scene was when the granddaughter asks her Iranian grandmother why she still has so beautiful breasts, at her age. The grandmother divulges her two secrets: 1. Wash your breasts with cold water every day. That can be part of a cold shower at the end of your warm one. Or you stand in front of the sink and wash your breasts with a cloth and cold water – about a dozen times. 2. Put jasmine flowers in your bra and carry the scent around you all day – it makes you feel beautiful. I love that advice! From my experience, I have a few more bits to add for better breast health and more beauty: 3. Eat a diet high in fresh vegetables, with low meats, no dairy and little sugar. 4. Avoid all milk and dairy – they are causing breast pain and breast cancer. They contain growth hormones. Growth hormones are unnecessary and harmful beyond the infant stage. 5. Do not wear a bra at night. Your skin needs to breathe and your lymph needs to circulate. – Don’t wear a bra if you don’t need one. 6. For the same reason, do exercise: Let your arms swing. Brest cancer seems to occur more often in the left breast. Since 85 percent of people are right-handed, it stands to reason that we are not moving enough lymph around in the left breast and get less toxicity removed than on the right side (that is just a theory of mine – don’t listen if it doesn’t convince you). 7. Don't smoke or drink. 8. Find out if you are gluten-intolerant. Nearly all cancers are higher in celiacs than in non-celiacs. 9. Drink enough water – room temperature or warmer. Never ice-cold. Read More 
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The Next Swine Flu Season

A panel of scientists have concluded that given the high level of immunity in the world wide population, the relative mildness of the H1N1 flu and the low probability that it might mutate to something much more threatening, the next flu season does not need to be marred by fears. So, don’t fear! Get enough sleep, eat your veggies and enjoy your life! Read More 
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